iOS 5.1.1 完美JB 實戰詳細教學!4 大準備要點X 疑難排解方法 ... 2012年5月25日 ... 萬眾期待的iOS 5.1.1 完美JB 終於現身!我們可 ... 4. 若有iCloud,可將電話簿備份, 也是不錯的方法! 5. 若想備份Cydia App 可參考這篇文章。
Apple, iPhone and iPad Forums | 3rd Party Apps For iPhone | iPod Touch 3rd Party Apps for your iPhone and iPod Touch. These include Web Apps and Native apps. Sub-Forums: Apple AppStore App Discussion, Native iPhone / iPod Touch App Launches, Native iPhone / iPod Touch App ...
[教學] SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE KIES更新官方ICS 4.0.3 & ROOT ... 2012年5月24日 ... 圖文:麥兜小米 NOTE 更新ICS 4.0.3 教學前幾天就傳出,已經可以下載到NOTE官方 的ICS韌體檔案,但是需要特殊方式才能刷機更新,那種方式, ...
iPhone4HK - iPad 破解教學(越獄Jailbreak JB) 提供iPad 最新版本越獄(JB) 詳細圖文破解教學. ... 本教學將使用 iPhone Dev Team 之redsn0w_win_0.9.14b2 進行破解, 另有 Mac 版本, 過程相同. 必須已安裝最新 ...
皮樂教你使用Redsn0w 全JB iOS 5.1.1 | L'Elysee de Hiraku 2012年5月27日 - 所以iPad 2、iPad 3Gen、iPhone 4S 的請直接按上一頁,或者看這篇教學. 另外, 目前已經出現了新版的5.1.1 (9B208),(只有iPhone 4,其他的仍然 ...
iOS 5.1.1 的超快速一鍵JB 越獄「Absinthe v2.0」 - App-island iOS 5.1.1 的超快速一鍵JB 越獄「Absinthe v2.0」 --==最專業、最眾多的app 介紹、 ... 相信大家應該都還有映像App-island 之前寫過不少的JB 越獄工具教學跟資訊。 ... 適用機種:iPhone3GS、iPhone4、iPhone 4S、iPad、iPad 2、iPad 3、iPod touch ...
evasi0n iOS 7.0.x Jailbreak - official website of the evad3rs Offical website of evasi0n iOS 7.0-7.0.6 jailbreak by the evad3rs ... Compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 7.0 through 7.0.6 (Devices that have been updated Over The Air [OTA] should be restored with iTunes first;
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How to Jailbreak the iPad 3, iPhone 4S, iPad 2, etc. w/ Absinthe 2.0 iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak Retweet: Name: How to Jailbreak the iPad 3, iPhone 4S, iPad 2 With Absinthe 2.0 iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak Description: A full tutorial that shows how to jailbreak your iOS 5.1.1. capable device with Absinthe 2.0. Tutoria
Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, 3G, 2G iOS 4.2.1 with Greenpois0n Ipod 2G 4.2.1 fresh install. Successful jb w/ greenp0ison and didn’t find cydia on screen but found it in a search and ran it. Got “warning – you are running out of disk space” message, pressed dismiss and it seems to have loaded but no icon. Going back t