[心得] 暫時解決iOS7桌面縮放的方法- 看板iPhone - 批踢踢 ... 看板iPhone. 標題[心得] 暫時解決iOS7桌面縮放的方法. 時間Thu Sep 19 15:45:30 2013. 我從beta開始就是用一個很笨的方法解決這個問題爬完文好像沒有人講到我 ...
iPhone 軟體 - 請問如何將ios7鎖屏數字鍵換成照片 - 蘋果討論區 - Mobile01 如題,看到很多朋友都有在用是在App Store 有的程式還是要JB?還是本身就有?請個位大大指點... ... 如題,看到很多朋友都有在用 是在App Store 有的程式 還是要JB? 還是本身就有? 請個位大大指點指點 謝謝
[iPhone/iPad 教學]輕鬆解決與製作iOS7、iOS8桌布無法縮小 ... 2013年11月24日 - 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13 ... [iPhone/iPad 教學]輕鬆解決與製作iOS7、iOS8桌布無法縮小問題. lgog ... 透過iOS來製作桌布教學:
2015-04-02T22:36:43+08:00 自從太極越獄團隊在中國舉辦第一場 MSS 215年移動安全峰會 後,接下來是曾經首次在iOS7與iOS8上推出越獄的中國越獄團隊「盤古」出招,這次盤古越獄團隊和韓國POC峰聯合主辦,訂於2015年6月5日在上海召開「MOSEC移動安全 ...
Can't recognize iOS7 jailbreak? | iFunBox Blog Finally, the UNTETHERED iOS 7 jailbreak! For all iOS 7-powered devices. In addition to being a one-click jailbreak, evasi0n7 supports older versions of iOS 7 a ... You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
How to Set the iPhone 5 Wallpaper Image in IOS7 A quick guide to setting the iPhone 5 wallpaper in IOS7, along with ideal image sizes to use and how to change the layout. ... Move the image so focus on the part of the image you want to feature and then double-click on the image to save the crop. Go Fil
Fix iOS7 Wallpaper Issues: How to Correctly Scale, Crop and Aling Wallpapers Having trouble scaling and aligning the wallpaper on your iPad and iPhone correctly? These tips will help you get your wallpaper adjusted exactly the way you want. Having trouble scaling and aligning the wallpaper on your iPad and iPhone correctly? These
Bypass Passcode Full Access To Photo Gallery (fixed in iOS 7.0.2) - YouTube Embarrassing iOS 8 patch: https://youtu.be/uNEOOFo_PJ4 New Trick iOS 8.2 Put MANY Folders Into One - Nested Folders (With Reduce Motion) https://youtu.be/tqIBHmMpDHA How to Hide any App in iOS 8 Easily ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlA-B_... Si te gust
Apple iOS7 Tips and Tricks | My Crazy Good Life Not sure if this is possible for the wallpaper you want to use. But what I did was put my picture/quote in Paint on my computer and made it so it had a wide border (probably about 2 or 3 inches around the actual picture). I then sent it to my phone using