Mobile Patterns A library of iOS and Android screenshots for designers and developers to reference.
Pure Android | Android Developers Don't mimic UI elements from other platforms Platforms typically provide a carefully designed set of UI elements that are themed in a very distinctive fashion. For example, some platforms advocate rounded corners for their buttons, others use gradients in
Pttrns - Mobile User Interface Patterns A collection of mobile user interface patterns ... Flipboard: Your Social... Coverpage Flipboard: Your Social... Walkthroughs Flipboard: Your Social... Walkthroughs Flipboard: Your Social...
Mobile Design Pattern Gallery UI Patterns for iOS, Android and More ... Home Page Explore 70 patterns with 400+ supporting examples from iOS, Android, BlackBerry, WebOS, Windows Mobile, and Symbian applications.
iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for iOS - Apple Developer Provides guidelines for designing the user interface of an iOS app.
iOS Flat Design UI Patterns - Download Now | iPhone and iOS App UI Design Templates iOS 7 features a flat UI design. Here are some free designs you can download for your iPhone app to give it that classy flat UI look. ... What screens would you like to see included? At the moment, we are adding more screens and UI patterns to the pack. B
Pttrns - Mobile User Interface Patterns A collection of mobile user interface patterns. ... Begin typing and hit enter to search. iPhone · iPad · iOS 7 · Android · About · Activity Feeds · Browser ...
iOS - Delegates - Tutorials for Sqoop, ITIL, Jackson, Security Testing, Awk, JDB iOS Delegates - Learning iPhone and iPad application development on iOS in simple and easy steps using this beginner's tutorial containing basic to advanced knowledge environment setup, actions and outlets, UI elements, Delegates, Objective-C, Acceleromet
Flexible ASP.NET Web Part UI Pattern - CodeProject A pattern for building a templated UI for Web parts ; Author: Dan_P; Updated: 15 Oct 2008; Section: ASP.NET; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 15 Oct 2008 ... 1) If one is writing a class that extends from WebPart, but has no attached .ascx or .html clas
Understanding Basics of UI Design Pattern MVC, MVP and MVVM - CodeProject An article on the basics of UI design pattern MVC, MVP and MVVM; Author: Avtar Singh Sohi; Updated: 20 Jul 2011; Section: Design and Architecture; Chapter: Development ...