Apple - iOS 7 Official site. Provides information on the current version of the iOS.
Alternative iOS layouts for portrait and landscape using just one .xib ... Using interface builder in xcode and just one .xib file, how ... A way to do this is to have three views in ...
iOS Tutorial – Creating a Web View (UIWebView) | Cone Code Development Ureka! I got it to work. I deleted my WebView object and found there was an extra View object under it…so started with original view controller and added Web View object and it worked. Somehow it must have had too many layers. Thanks for all of your suppo
Customize Table View Cells for UITableView | iOS Programming Tutorial Customize Table View Cell Does the app look better? We’re going to make it even better by customizing the table cell. So far we utilize the default style of table view cell. The location and size of the thumbnail are fixed. What if you want to make the th
Beginning Auto Layout Tutorial in iOS 7: Part 2 - Ray Wenderlich Let’s give this view some constraints. You’ve already seen two ways to make constraints: the Editor\Pin and Align menus, and Ctrl-dragging between views. There is a third method that you’ll use here. At the bottom of the Interface Builder window is a
Storyboards Tutorial in iOS 7: Part 1 - Ray Wenderlich Disable Auto Layout from the File inspector for the storyboard: To get some feel for how the storyboard editor works, drag some controls into the blank view controller: Find this button at the bottom of the storyboard canvas: Click it to open the Document
iOS Programming Tutorial: Creating Universal App using Xcode 5 As you can see, each device has its own version of Storyboard. This is how you can design custom interface for different devices in a single Xcode project. You define different version of views or view controllers in each storyboard. Say, when you open th
iOS 8 Custom Keyboard Tutorial: How to Create A Third-Party Keyboard Extension | iPhone and iOS App Now with this new piece of code, we have created and array of button titles and we create a list of buttons from these. Each button is now added to an array as well as a UIView which will be our first row of keys. This view is then added to the main keybo
iOS SDK: Creating a Custom Accordion Menu - Tuts+ Code Tutorial 4. Do Some Code Level Setup So far so good! We've created the view controller for the accordion menu, we've setup the interface, and we've created the two required IBOutlet properties for the views we added to the builder. Now it's time to begin writing s
Developing iOS 8 Apps Using Swift - Adding Animations, Audio, and Custom Table View Cells | iOS Swif Thank you so much for these tutorials. I’ve gone through 1 to 6 with relative ease. In this 7th tutorial, the section “Adding a Custom Table View Cell” is quite confusing. It appears to repeat a few steps and also isn’t as easy to follow step-by-step as t