11 Hidden Features in iOS 8's New Messages App for iPhone & iPad « iOS Gadget Hacks Safari has some cool new features in iOS 8, but the app that seems to have gotten the biggest update so far is Messages. A lot of the new Messages features were discussed during Apple's developers conference, but we found many others and picked out our ..
How to Customize Your iOS 7 Texting App's Message Bubbles to Use Whatever Colors You Want « iOS Gadg How to Customize Your iOS 7 Texting App's Message Bubbles to Use Whatever Colors You Want Conversations can be a little stale sometimes, so a little color help add some life. AOL realized this In the early days of AIM, and let you customize your colors ju
Start thread when iOS application enters background state You must call the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: method of the UIApplication class from the ...
Perform task on background thread in iOS, keep execution running ... Perform task on background thread in iOS, keep execution running even when the application enters ...
objective c - iOS start Background Thread - Stack Overflow But my App crashes in the first step. i.e. starting a background thread. Is this not a way to start ...
Is it possible to run a background thread when my app was closed I want some operations to be performed in background when my app was closed. is it possible in ios.
ios - Run app for more than 10 minutes in background - Stack Overflow I am trying to keep the iOS app in active state for more than ..... iOS keep thread running in background.
Creating a continuous background thread in iOS - Stack Overflow I have a requirement to create a background processor that works only when the App is in the active ...
Implementing long running tasks in background IOS - Stack Overflow Background thread is used for tasks that you want to perform while your application is inactive, like ...
How to execute a method on a background thread in ... - iOS Dev Diary 12 Apr 2014 ... To call something from a background thread we can use dispatch_async. ... This is especially useful if a method would take a long time to return and would be blocking your app while ...