Apple - iOS 7 Official site. Provides information on the current version of the iOS.
Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple - Support iOS updates introduce new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Update your device wirelessly or using iTunes with a few easy steps. ... Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch iOS updates introduce new features that le
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Should I Upgrade an iPhone 4 to iOS 7? - iPhone / iPod UPDATE March 2014: Everything in the following article is true about iOS 7 running on the iPhone 4, but some things have changed thanks to iOS 7.1. While it's ...
[消息] iOS 7.1 正式發佈 - by iPhone4.TW 本網站內之文章,版權歸原作者所有,在此發言並無言論免責權,且與本站立場無關,並禁止未授權轉載。任何入侵、破解、修改您iPhone、甚至安裝第三方軟體的軟體,皆有可能造成您使用上的不穩定,或是損及原有的保固服務,
iOS 7.1 on the iPhone 4: As good as it's going to get | Ars Technica 10 Mar 2014 ... You can't patch out a slow processor, but Apple does its best. ... We weren't impressed by iOS 7 on the iPhone 4. ... you'd get on a new iPhone 5S, 5C, or even the one-year-newer 4S.
What Devices Are iOS 7 Compatible? Excited to use all of the cool new features of iOS 7? Then you have to make sure ... All items from iPhone 4S, plus; Panoramic photos; Siri. Ads. &ensp. &ensp.
Apple - iOS 8 - What's New Get a preview of iOS 8, the biggest iOS release ever — for developers and ... iPhone. iPhone 4s. iPhone 5. iPhone 5c. iPhone 5s. iPhone 6. iPhone 6 Plus ...
Does iOS 7 Slow Down an iPhone 4? | Apple Support Communities Also from: ajayneo Re: Does iOS 7 Slow Down an iPhone 4? Sep 26, 2013 1:44 AM (in response to toohard88) From what i posted in my previous post, it seemed to me that a hard reset was enough but i was too optimistic and i jumped the gun a little but in ...
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