Ultrabook, SmartPhone, Laptop, Desktop, Server, & Embedded– Intel Intel designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices. ... CES 2014 Intel CEO Brian Krzanich delivers keynote address. Watch the keynote The Journey Towards Conflict-free ^ High-Tech ...
Ivy Bridge新款入門CPU - Intel Core i3-3220效能解析 - Mobile01 本站新聞 對於更平價的Ivy Bridge架構Core i3 直到九月左右才出現在市場, 先前要入手Ivy Bridge CPU最低消費只能選擇Core i5,近期Core i3推出可以再少一些預算。 此回Desktop市場所能看到的新一代Core i3共有三個型號 ...
Intel® Core™ i3 Processors The 4th generation Intel® Core i3 processors deliver a fast, responsive, and visually immersive PC experience. ... Amazing performance and stunning visuals start here. Get a smooth, seamless visual experience with a 4th generation Intel® Core i3 processor
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