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National Tsing Hua University-Academics Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management · Institute of ... College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science · Department of ...
光電所- - 清華大學電機系-NTHUEE - 國立清華大學 埃秒光子與電子實驗室, 孔慶昌教授. 半導體照明實驗室, 劉容生教授. 光電元件實驗 室, 趙煦教授. 高能光電實驗室, 黃衍介教授 ... 雷射動態實驗室, 林凡異教授.
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Georgia Institute of Technology - Official Site Ranked among the world's leading technological research universities, Georgia Institute of Technology is located in Atlanta, Georgia. ... The Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the nation's leading public research universities, and has been an inno
Rochester Institute of Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) is a private university located within the town of Henrietta in the Rochester, New York metropolitan area. RIT is composed of nine academic colleges, including National Technical Institute for the Deaf. The Institut
Institute of Photonics - University of Strathclyde Institute of Photonics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow ... Welcome The Institute of Photonics, established in 1996, is a research unit focussing on applied photonics and is part of the University of Strathclyde.
Royal Institute of Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Royal Institute of Technology (Swedish: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, abbreviated KTH) is a university in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH was founded in 1827 as Sweden's first polytechnic and is one of Scandinavia's largest (the largest by certain definitions)
Chitose Institute of Science and Technology CIST is the first and only institute specializing in Photonics Science in Japan.