verilog code for two input logic gates and test bench | VLSI For You module basicgate(a, b, c); input a; input b; output [6:0] c; --[6:0]c/ c,d,e,f,g,h,i and(c[0],a,b); or(c[1],a,b); not(c[2],a); nand(c[3],a,b); nor(c[4],a,b); xor(c[5],a,b); xnor(c[6],a,b); endmodule TEST BENCH module gatest_v; reg a; reg b; wire [6:0 ...
Verilog input and output array - Stack Overflow You need to declare all signals with some type and a width (if greater than 1 bit); assign is not a declaration key word. For example, I use wire : module ...
How to pass array structure between two verilog ... - Stack Overflow How to pass array structure between two verilog modules. No problem. ... module module2(instructionmem); input [0:31]instructionmem[0:31]; ...
verilog - Syntax for using an array of wires as input - Stack Overflow I have the following module: module add_8bit ( output wire co, output ... You've the wire declarations back to front in the second code snippet.
Passing arrays to verilog modules - Stack Overflow I have flattened it in 1D array and want to send it to some module for ... Verilog how to use input and output of submodule inside always block.
how i declare array for input port - verilog - hi if i declare array for input port like input [1:0] in [7:0]; it is giving syntax error. if i use reg then its ok but reg is use for input port. my.
How to declare two dimensional input ports in Verilog? - EDAboard ... In Verilog 2001 you could flatten your array into a vector and pass that through the port, but that's somewhat awkward. Here is one way to do it:.
How to give a 2-D array as output of a function in Verilog ... 12 Mar 2013 ... To work this out in verilog, you can loop through x and y in a nested fashion ... You just simply are not allowed to use an array as an input/output ...
Technology and Management: Declaring 2D Array I/O Ports in Verilog 22 Jun 2011 ... System verilog supports 2D arrays but verilog seems to treat it as an ... defined in the link to implement virtual 2D array output/input ports.
Chapter 3: Verilog Syntax Details Use wire for all inputs, inouts, and most outputs of Structural elements. ... Verilog supports three similar data structures called Arrays, Vectors, and Memories.