in other words是什麼意思_in other words的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句_愛詞霸在線詞典 愛詞霸權威在線詞典,為您提供in other words的中文意思,in other words的用法講解,in other words的讀音,in other words的同義詞,in other words的反義詞,in other words的例句等英語 ...
in other words_例句_句子_短句_翻譯_句子翻譯_金山詞霸_句庫_整句翻譯_在線翻譯 愛詞霸英語句庫為廣大英語學習愛好者提供in other words的例句、in other words的短句、in other words的例句翻譯、in other words的短句翻譯、in other words的句子翻譯、in other ...
in other words_例句_翻譯_在線翻譯_短句翻譯_句子翻譯_金山詞霸_愛詞霸句庫 愛詞霸英語句庫為廣大英語學習愛好者提供in other words的例句、in other words的翻譯、in other words的例句翻譯、in other words的短句翻譯、in other words的句子翻譯、in other ...
翻譯解釋in other words是什麼意思_in other words在線造句_英語in other words例句_in other words的音標 ...-《查字典通》 解釋: 換句話說; 也就是說 換句話說 英語解釋: Adverb: otherwise stated; "in other words, we are broke" 例句: In other words, none of us can go to the movie. 換句話說,我們都不能去看電影。To put it in another way, I'm busy. 換句話說,我很忙。
換句話說;換言之,in other words,音標,讀音,翻譯,英文例句,英語詞典 1) in other words 換句話說;換言之 2) in other words; to put it differently 換言之;換句話說 3) in other words... 換句話說 例句>> 4) That is to saybin other words (也)就是說;換言之;即 5) voice conversion 說話人轉換 1. A voice conversion system based on GMM and ...
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in other words是什麼意思_in other words的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句 - Bing Dictionary 必應詞典為您提供in other words的釋義,na. 換句話說; 網路釋義: 換言之;也就是說;也就是; ... 4. 換句話說,也就是 identification中文 ... ID identification ;identity 身份證明 ie that is;in other words 換句話說,也就是... user 使用者 ...
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