once in a while是什么意思_once in a while在线翻译_英语_读音_ ... 中国最权威最专业的海量词典,海词词典为您提供once in a while的在线翻译,once in a while是什么意思,once in a while的 ...
In a while | Define In a while at Dictionary.com in a while Also, after a while. After a period of time, usually a moderately short time. For example, Go ...
Every once in a while? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 兩個片語Every once in a while = 總是Once in a while = 偶而所以這兩個片語是代表不同意思嘛? ... Once in a ...
In a while - Yahoo!知識+ while 標示解釋 KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 一會兒,一段時間[S] I'll be back in a while. 我一會兒就回來。conj. 1. ...
【in_a_while】什麼意思_英語in_a_while在線翻譯_有道詞典 求翻譯:even thogh 是什麼意思? ... here in Australia it is nearly autumn » 在澳洲,這是近秋 in a while » ...
While 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 while (conj.)當…時候,和…同時;而,然而;雖然,盡管一段時間,一會兒(vt.)消磨 ... 資料來源(12): Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 ...
in a while --->請英翻中 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ I haven't seen you in a while!in a while --->請英翻中,先說聲謝了! ... 知識問題| in a while --->請英翻中 發問者: ...
meaning - "In a while" vs. "for a while" - English Language & Usage ... 12 May 2013 ... First off, both "in a while" and "for a while" are grammatical and idiomatic per se. However, to me, "for a ...
In a while | Define In a while at Dictionary.com in a while. Also, after a while. After a period of time, usually a moderately short time. For example, Go ahead, I'll be ...
'in a while' or 'for a while'? - Learn English - italki Answers 10 May 2009 ... hi!!! you know if you haven't done this for a while, you can say 'i haven't done this for ages..