for a while now的while到底是多久? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 1.請問for a while now是指到現在為止已經有一陣子了的意思嗎???2.常常看到的for a while 的 while大約是多久? 如果已經半年或是快一年還可以用while這個字嗎?不行的話可以用哪些字來形容過了半年或是一年? 除了直接講數字(6 months, a year)有其他方法講嗎?
A While vs Awhile - Daily Writing Tips One of our readers, Robert, wrote to ask Daily Writing Tips: Here's a couple of words I use all the time interchangeably. But are they? a while vs. awhile Help
While - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "While" is a word in the English language that functions both as a noun and as a subordinating conjunction. Its meaning varies largely based on its intended function, position in the phrase and even the writer or speaker's regional dialect. As a conjuncti
While | Define While at while we've made a lot of progress in understanding sleep, we've a long way to go to understand dreaming. When she visits friends in big houses, she notices how many rooms are vacant while people gather naturally in one room. How do you ...
a while/awhile When “awhile” is spelled as a single word, it is an adverb meaning “for a time” (“stay awhile”); but when “while” is the object of a prepositional phrase, like “Lend ...
in a while / for a while ? Hello everyone, I need to figure out the exact meaning of the phrase 'in a while.' As I know, that phrase means the same as 'sometimes.' In the following ...
In a while | Define In a while at Also, after a while. After a period of time, usually a moderately short time. For example, Go ahead, I'll be along in a while, or After a while we turned off the ...
awhile and a while - What is the difference between awhile and a while? As a noun phrase after a preposition such as after, for, in, within, one should use two words, a while.
In a while or for a while? - Yahoo Answers 2011年3月1日 - The expression "in a while", as used here, is an Americanism, and it does, indeed, mean "for a while". You are quite correct when you say that "for a ...
Awhile or a While? Awhile is an adverb which means "for a while." A while is two words, the article plus a noun, usually used after the preposition for. Examples: I thought awhile ...