彩喬印刷有限公司-各式貼紙製作、貼紙印刷、標籤貼紙、銘版貼紙、彩色貼紙、自黏貼紙等。 -- 完稿需知 ... 動作時,存檔務必附圖檔以避免漏印。 ‧ Illustrator 製作稿件,請將印件置於單一圖層,「隱藏」與「鎖定」之動作,以避免檔案處理時發生疏漏物件或圖層。 ‧ Photoshop 製作稿件,請勿將圖層合併。 ‧ Photoshop 利於傳送檔案,建議將檔案儲存為Photoshop EPS格式為佳 ...
illustrator在哪裡調dpi? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2008年12月13日 ... illustrator本身的檔案格式是"向量檔" 沒有解析度的問題,所以不需要設定"dpi" 除非你 要輸出成JPEG,BMP ...
Illustrator的dpi去哪看要怎麼改我是英文版- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請到illustrator的「檔案/文件設定」下的「列印與轉存」對話框,下方有轉存點陣化的 解析度設定,你可以自行 ...
[問題] illustrator的dpi設定- 看板Digital_Art - 批踢踢實業坊 爬問好像沒看到illustrator解析度的文章(可能有我沒看到..orz) 我最近看到一份比賽 章程上面這樣寫.
Illustrator Help | Setting up documents for printing To make optimum decisions about printing, you should understand basic printing principles, including how the resolution of your printer or the calibration and resolution of you monitor can affect the way your artwork appears when printed. Illustrator’s Pr
Illustrator - Preparing for Print Tutorial | Dream Infinity Studios / Chris Takakura | Art Direction Learn how to prepare your design for print using this checklist with Photoshop and Illustrator ... Thanks! this is useful. I’m also facing a problem while saving a PDF file from an AI file. Whenever I do that the size of the PDF file shoots up!!
How to Set Resolution for Illustrator & Save As PDF | eHow Illustrator is a graphic editing software produced by Adobe. Illustrator works with the vector graphic format. Such a format contains a mathematical description of an image rather than a collection of pixels as any traditional graphics. Advantages of the
Hack makes Photoshop and Illustrator readable on Surface Pro — Surface Pro Artist UPDATE: The January 15, 2014 release of Adobe Illustrator CC (version 17.1) makes this hack unnecessary. The new software now features HiDPI display support. http://surfaceproartist.com/blog/2014/1/16/new-adobe-illustrator-cc-improves-surface-pro-windows
Creative CurioGraphic Design Glossary, Graphic Design Terms, Graphic Design Definitions, Graphic Des This graphic design glossary contains vocabulary that many designers use on a daily basis and may be confusing to new designers or non-designers who need to communicate with designers. Remember, the following terms are defined as they relate to graphic ..
print design - How set my Illustrator document to be 150 dpi ... 2014年5月30日 - I am creating something for print that will be 160.472"w x 89.764"h . ... Under "Effect"-tab you're able to enhance the documents resolution in ...