ActiveXObject 物件(JavaScript) - MSDN - Microsoft 若要使用ActiveXObject,您可能需要在Internet Explorer 中針對相關的安全性區域 調整安全性設定。 例如,對於近端內部網路區域,您通常需要將自訂設定變更為[將未 ...
Cross-browser plugin detection (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft ActiveXObject property to determine if a plugin is present, you'll need to update your code to use the new properties instead. JavaScript ... Under HKLM\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\NavigatorPluginsList create a key using the name ..
javascript - window.ActiveXObject difference in IE11 - Stack Overflow ActiveXObject to the watch list, it shows as being a function type. .... Actually, what I'm observing is that in IE9 both of these evaluate to true: this.
internet explorer - Allowing ActiveXObject for a trusted site - Stack ... Click on Internet explorer icon to open Internet explorer. ... Issue Implementing the 'Extend an ActiveXObject in JavaScript' Script with DWR in ...
javascript - ActiveXObject creation error " Automation server can't ... Which create an activeX object to run notepad.exe, if I save this in a plain html and run .... You can fix this,by changing internet explorer settings.
javascript - new XMLHttpRequest in IE9 causes a JScript runtime ... happens only in IE9 (in firefox it works fine) tried lowering the ... ++i) { var progID = progIDs[i]; try { var x = new ActiveXObject(progID); window.
activeXObject retuning null in IE9 | The ASP.NET Forums m_grabBag = new ActiveXObject("SpectrumHR.GrabBag"); ... i'm getting javascript error at format method in IE9 but it is working in IE6 or 7.
ActiveXObject object JavaScript - Dottoro Web Reference The ActiveXObject object is used to create instances of OLE Automation objects in Internet Explorer on Windows operating systems.
Detect Internet Explorer with Javascript - HTML5 Game Devs Forum ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window){ // Always true if browser is .... Is it safe to say that the open source Panda.js game "Flying Dog" ...
Javascript in IE9 problem. - In IE9 however it completely fails and doesn't load the Javascript at all. ... ActiveXObject, which fools the script into assuming that the older, ...