font-weight property (Internet Explorer) - MSDN - Microsoft Syntax. font-weight: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900. Property values. normal. Font is normal. bold. Font is bold.
css - @font-face IE9 font-weight doesn't work - Stack Overflow IE doesn't support using a different font-weight than was specified in a @font-face rule. A set of font files for each font variant. Typically, an embedded ...
Internet Explorer 8 ignores font-weight in CSS - Stack Overflow I think you need to change the name of the font-family: Lato; on each fontface property, as IE is possibly getting confused. Instead try putting font-family: ...
font-weight: bold with @font-face not working in IE9 - Stack Overflow IE doesn't support using a different font-weight than was specified in a @font-face rule. You can read more about this here: @font-face IE9 font-weight ...
css - IE9 not recognizing font-weight: lighter - Stack Overflow This appears to be a problem with this specific font, or with the way Google makes IE use it. Your code works for other Google fonts with Book (300) ...
IE Windows and Opera - font-weight: 600 vs. bold - QuirksMode Explorer Mac, Mozilla and Safari treat font-weight: 600 and bold exactly the same . I found one other page that describes this problem, but it's in Dutch.
Loading both BOLD and REGULAR font in IE8 does ... - Google Code 9 Jun 2010 ... IE use an artificial "bold" font, not the bold variant in ttf. .... Just use lower font weight fonts at higher point of your code and you can use same ... l Fixing The Extra Bold Font Bug In IE9 - (AKA ... 19 Jun 2013 ... Before jumping to the solution, we should first re-review the font-weight CSS property. Historically speaking, we've used font-weight: bold; and ...
Adobe Typekit Help : Using multiple weights and styles In CSS, you can specify font-weights other than normal and bold by using numeric ... Internet Explorer 6, 7, & 8 load a maximum of four weights per family.