有接過睿成律師事務所的通知嗎?(以解決.主題更新.) (第1頁) - 其他應用 ... 今天公司接到了自稱睿. ... 很多次了,而且發函的律師事務所都不同如果真的是AUTOCAD ...
[筆記] sub.idx字幕轉srt字幕 @ :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 前一陣子在找將sub和idx轉成srt字幕檔的程式,試了好幾個程式,但是怎麼轉都有問題,今天在找修改srt字幕時間的程式,因為不想直接用記事本開srt改,所以上網找程式,結果 ...
IdxSubOcr(字幕OCR软件、idx/sub转srt格式) V1.14 绿色版 - 比克尔 2014年2月17日 - 一个专门用来OCR光学字符识别Vobsub格式字幕的软件,能够将idx/sub格式的字幕转 ...
Convert Subtitles from SUB / IDX to SRT - AfterDawn: Guides Convert subtitles in IDX and SUB files ripped with VobSub to the text based SRT format. Useful for adding subtitle streams to AVI files.
Sub to Srt Converter | dranaxum - dranaxum | A software developer's blog This software will help you convert from .sub file to .srt subtitle file. .SRT files are "readable" for DivX Player. I needed yesterday a .srt subtitle for a movie but I could only find .sub files. [PS: I don't have BS Player] This is why I decided to wri
How do I convert DVD or sub/idx to text srt subtitles? hello, i hope this is the right place to ask. i downloaded SubRip1.50beta and VobSub2.23 to convert *.idx and *.sub files to the *.srt format. i fired up subrip and loaded the files and did all the steps necessary to convert them. but however it kept aski
Convert Subtitles from SUB / IDX to SRT - AfterDawn: Guides Convert subtitles in IDX and SUB files ripped with VobSub to the text based SRT format. Useful for adding subtitle streams to AVI files. ... Where to go from here Joining Subtitles If you're using subtitles from a video that was split into multiple files
Convert Subtitles from SRT to SUB / IDX - AfterDawn: Guides Step by step instructions for converting SRT subtitles to VobSub format ... Subtitles can be found in 2 basic forms. Although most subtitles are actually text they can also be ...
How to extract subtitles from a Blu-ray and convert to srt or sub/idx To convert BluRay sup (but I think also sub/idx) into srt use Subtitle Edit http://www.videohelp.com/tools/Subtitle-Edit Do not use Open to open the sup files but instead do this: File -> Import/OCR Blu-ray or File -> Import/OCR VobSub After you do that,
How to Convert IDX to SRT | eHow How to Convert IDX to SRT. Normally, when you rip the subtitles from a DVD, they are exported in an image-based format that is very close to the one used in the DVD itself. This format consists of two files: a SUB file that contains subtitle images, and a