鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- Linux 磁碟與檔案系統管理 ext2, ext3, msdoc, vfat』等, 而最常用的應該是 ext3, vfat 兩種啦! vfat 可以用在 Windows/Linux 共用的 USB 隨身碟 囉。 例題: 將剛剛的 /dev/hdc6 格式化為 Windows 可讀的 vfat 格式吧! 答: mkfs -t vfat /dev/hdc6 在格式化為 Ext3 的範例中 ...
Parallel ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The first version of what is now called the ATA/ATAPI interface was developed by Western Digital under the name Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE). Together with Control Data Corporation (who manufactured the hard drive part) and Compaq Computer (into who
Tech ARP - IDE HDD Block Mode - Tech ARP - Where The Best In Technology Gather IDE HDD Block Mode Common Options : Enabled, Disabled Quick Review This BIOS feature speeds up hard disk access by transferring multiple sectors of data per interrupt instead of using the usual single-sector transfer mode. This mode of transferring data i
Hard Disk Drives: AHCI versus IDE mode - MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategie I changed my two HDDs to AHCI today (from IDE) through applying a Microsoft Windows 7 hotfix first and then setting them to AHCI on BIOS. I had run Crystal Disk Mark 3.0.2 before and after the change. The sole dramatic difference is that the 4kQ32 (4K QD3
Ultra DMA (UDMA) Modes - Welcome to The PC Guide! The cycle time shows the speed of the interface clock; the clock's frequency is the reciprocal of this number (see here for more on clocking.) The maximum transfer rate is four times the reciprocal of the cycle time--double transition clocking means each
SSD Benchmark Tests: SATA IDE vs AHCI Mode | AHCI vs IDE,SSD,AHCI,IDE,SATA,Solid State Drive,Benchma Benchmark Performance SSD Testing: Intel ICH10 SATA AHCI vs IDE Mode Speed and IOPS Comparison ... Thank you for providing a comprehensive, informative, and useful article on SSD performance and testing. Although not the articles intent, I imagine SSD ...
IDE HDD Master with SATA HDD SLAVE? - Hard Drives - Storage I suspect that the IDE device on the adapter is configured as a Master, in which case it cannot coexist on the same IDE cable as another Master. It's difficult to make out the writing above the Molex connector, but there appears to be a jumpering scheme t
Linux: Find out serial / model number and vendor information for SATA and IDE hard disk Explains how to use Linux command line options to find out hard disk serial number and model information. ... for suse 9.x 10.x and other linux 2.6.x producing hdparm errors with s-ata disks HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Operation not supported use sdparm fro
Ide definition of Ide in the Free Online Encyclopedia IDE (1) (Integrated Development Environment) A set of programming tools for writing applications (source code editor, compiler, debugger, etc.), all activated from a common user interface and menus. IDEs are necessary standard procedure for program develo
What is difference between ide sata and scsi hard disk The difference between sata and IDe is that of Cable Connector that connect Hard disk to the motherboard, Sata Hard disk is a new technology and IDE is old, Sata is rela … tively fater to as of IDE, IDE cable differes from SATA cable, Toshiba has recently