Acer | Iconia A1 The Iconia A1-830 is crafted from top-quality materials for a sleek look and solid feel. The smooth silver metal back adds premium appeal and makes this tablet durable enough to prevail over your life every day. ...
Acer | Iconia A1 The Iconia A1-830 is crafted from top-quality materials for a sleek look and solid feel. The smooth silver metal back adds premium appeal and makes this tablet durable enough to prevail over your life everyday. An easy read in one hand An easy read in one
Acer | Press the Acer Iconia A1-830 tablet delivers outstanding performance, a bright IPS display and a premium metal finish than typically offered in tablets in this class. Stylish Design with IPS Display The elegant silver ...
iconia a1-830 - 新聞搜尋結果
Acer Iconia A1-830 - Tablets - CNET Reviews Don't get too excited about the Acer Iconia A1-830's $149 price. Its specs don't warrant much in the way of enthusiasm. ... As I said before, I'm not expecting much exciting tablet news at CES this year ...
Iconia A1-830 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
將在 CES 亮相,Acer 發表 Iconia A1-830 ...- VR-Zone 中文版 Acer 宣布將在 CES 2014 消費性電子展上,發表 Iconia A1-830、Iconia B1-720 兩款平板電腦。 Acer 稍早發表分別配備 7.9 吋與 7 吋螢幕的平板電腦 Iconia A1-830、Iconia B1 ...
一千蚊 Android 平板!Acer Iconia A1-830 快 ...- ePrice.HK Acer 趁著 CES2014 為他們的 Iconia 平板 A1 和 B1 系列來一個大革新,分別發表了 Iconia A1-830 和 B1-720 兩款 7.9 和 7 吋平板。兩者都有一個共通點,就是以平價取勝 ...
Acer Iconia A1-830 review: Hands-on - Android tablet What is the Acer Iconia A1-830? The Acer Iconia A1-830 is an update to the original Iconia A1, released last year. It's a tablet that deliberately borrows a few key design elements from the iPad series ...
Acer Iconia A1-830平板電腦介紹 - SOGI手機王 宏碁推出雙核心 Acer Iconia A1-830 平板電腦,機身使用 4:3 的螢幕比例,其 7.9 吋螢幕採用 IPS 技術製成,廣視角達 178°,並配有杜比音效與雙喇叭設計。外觀 ...