IBM® SPSS® Statistics - SPSS, Data Mining, Statistical Analysis Software, Predictive Analysis, Analytical Software at Specializing in data mining, customer relationship management, business intelligence and data analysis ... IBM SPSS Statistics 21 continues to increase accessibility to advanced analytics through improved tools, output, an
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SPSS Statistics Standard - IBM - - United States The IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition offers the core statistical procedures business managers and analysts need to address fundamental business and ...
IBM SPSS software Develops, markets, supports integrated line of statistical software products that let users effectively bring marketplace and enterprise data to bear on ...
IBM - SPSS Statistics Professional - United States IBM SPSS Statistics Professional has advanced procedures to help you speed through the analysis of complex or difficult data.
IBM SPSS Statistics: Compare Editions 超過 15 筆 - IBM SPSS Statistics puts the power of advanced statistical ...
IBM SPSS Statistics 20 簡易指南 若新版本未聲明,則此版本便適用於IBM® SPSS® Statistics 20 以及之後發行的 ... 本IBM SPSS Statistics 20 簡易指南設計了一系列的輔導簡介,讓您能熟悉各種成分.
SPSS - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 SPSS是統計產品與服務解決方案(Statistical Product and Service Solutions)的簡稱,為IBM公司推出的一系列用於統計學分析運算、數據挖掘、預測分析和決策支持 ...