Core i7-3770K vs. AMD FX-8150 and Core i7-2600K CPU Review | Hardware Secrets Let’s take a look at the performance of the first third-generation Core i7 CPU for desktops to be announced, the Core i7-3770K, codenamed ”Ivy Bridge. ... Ivy Bridge is the codename for the third generation of Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors from
硅脂蒙冤?Core i7-3770K开盖前后温度对比-IVB,22nm,i7 ... 2012年4月28日 - PCEVA论坛的管理员royalk同学本着我不下地狱谁下地狱的精神,冒险对一颗Core i7-3770K进行了开盖,并实际测试了前后的运行温度,结果颇为 ...
3D晶體管惹禍! 3770K超頻難終極揭祕-科技新聞-新浪新聞中心 2012年6月1日 - 雖然Core i7 3770K已經被用戶熟知,不過在此還是要詳細的介紹其規格, .... 實際滿載表面溫度測試時,Core i7 3770K全面超越了Core i7 2700K, ...
Intel Core i7 3770K vs 2600K - CPUBoss We put the 3.5 GHz Intel 3770K to the test against the 3.4 GHz 2600K to find out which you should buy. ... The Core i7 K series is Intel's top of the line offering for desktops. Its crowning feature is its unlocked multiplier, which is specifically geared
Intel 3.5 GHz LGA 1155 Core i7 3770K Processor - Intel : Awesome processing power I waited a long time to buy this processor in flipkart but since it is not available in flipkart so i brought in local stores . the processor is just awesome. you can really feel the fastness . Temperatures using Cooler Master Hyp
What temperature should I be getting on I7 3770k with stock heatsink? [Solved] - Intel i7 - CPUs What temperature should I be getting on i7 ivy bridge 3770k with stock heatsink? ... Not quite relevant, but perhaps to add some basis for comparison... Running the 3770 (non OC) with the Hyper 212 EVO in a HAF932. RealTemp shows the CPU idling at 26.
【情報】矽脂蒙冤?Core i7-3770K開蓋前後溫度對比@電腦應用綜合討論哈啦 ... 2012年4月28日 ... PCEVA論壇的管理員royalk同學本著我不下地獄誰下地獄的精神,冒險對一顆Core i7-3770K進行了開蓋,並實際測試了前後的運行溫度,結果頗為 ...
原價屋@酷!PC • 檢視主題- i7-3770 i7-3770k 考慮是某該買 i7-3770 i7-3770k超頻他們只有差在一個有鎖頻和一個沒鎖頻和4核心4 ... 聽說i7- 3770k的如果超頻,溫度都會飆很高,它的溫度是真的排不出來嗎?
中央處理器- i7 3770k 原裝風扇- 電腦討論區- Mobile01 想請問i7 3770k 的原裝風扇性能如何本人只是上網看電影玩D3 和一些 ... 所以CPU 溫度會保持在較高溫度,電子產品在高溫狀態中,壽命會降低!