【新手看了也會】 hTC New One 官方解鎖 + Root 4.1.2 / 4.2.2 / 4.3 適用!! @ 耶魯熊&雪翎翎 の 軟硬兼施 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: hTC New One 上市也一段時間了,但可惜的是,耶魯熊一直沒有管道借到這台手機,只能看著別的部落客開心的完,自己默默的摸摸手上的蝴蝶,但還好,手上的蝴蝶服用過了 ...
解開New HTC One最後的束縛「S-OFF」 | 挨 踢 路 人 甲 S-ON 就是「Security On」的意思,HTC 的手機通常出廠的是屬於 S-ON 的狀況,也就是鎖住使用者無法對系統磁碟的修改,Desire HD是利用安裝工程版的HBOOT來S-OFF,沒想到HTC又搞出bootloader的鎖定,讓你無法逃脫官方版的ROM,層層的關卡就會壓倒 ...
New HTC One再度可以S-OFF了 | 挨 踢 路 人 甲 如果官方解鎖後,就只灌已經root的ROM(如:Revolution HD)是不是就不需做S-OFF動作? 因為我測過像是AdAway這些要S-OFF的軟體是可以work的,也就是說這些ROM裡面(boot.img?)已經沒有S-ON的保護機制了吧? 不知道我的觀念對不對
How to Unroot your HTC One, and Relock the Bootloader - YouTube This guide will give you step-by-step instructions how to UNROOT and RELOCK the Bootloader of your HTC One. Maybe you are just tired of this whole rooting and unlocking game and want to go back to the good old days of being a good citizen and restore your
HTC - Easy Removal of Tampered and Lock/Unlock Bootloader from Recovery - YouTube This tool for HTC One will allow you to remove the Tampered flag from your Bootloader. It will also allow you to easily Lock and Unlock your Bootloader directly from recovery. No root is required since it is run in recovery, however you still must be S-OF
Htc One ***tampered*** / **locked*** / ***security warning*** - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com Guys need some help! I got stuck in bootloader *** TAMPERED *** *** LOCKED *** *** Security Warning *** M7_UL PVT SHIP S-ON RH HBOOT-1.56.0000 RADIO-4A ... Hi, thanx for the reply! Actually i really don't know what is happening in my bootloader, to be ...
htc one bootloader tampered - 相關部落格
[GUIDE] Remove Tampered and set Lock/Unlock/… | HTC One | XDA Forums If you have successfully unlocked your HTC One M7 Bootloader, you will see the following text at the top of your Bootloader screen: *** UNLOCKED *** And,… ... By "... Note that revone is primarily intended to be used to S-OFF (applicable only if you have
How to remove Tampered flag on HTC One This guide will help you remove the Tampered flag from your bootloader. In order to do this you MUST BE S-Off. ... But remember, beautiful healthy skin is a reflection of the care you give it, both inside and out. There are five major ingredients that fig
How to Remove Tampered Banner on HTC One M8 Having made the preparation enumerated above, you can now go ahead with typing just a few lines to remove TAMPERED banner on HTC One M8. ... there are a couple things that should have compelled you to request confirmation: 1) the m7 screenshots had a ...