HTC HD2 Android™ Roms HTC HD2 Android Roms/Builds. Here you can find all the android roms/builds for the HTC HD2 phone. The list can be sorted and filtered as required. The list is automatically refreshed from XDA-Developers site every 15 minutes.
[轉載][教學]如何將HTC HD2 改成 Android 2.2機皇 @ 耶魯熊&雪翎翎 の 軟硬兼施 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 俗語說的好「出來混總是要還的」,既然說只要夠多人需要我就寫如何將HTC HD2改成Android 2.2手機,雖然人數還沒到(其實我故意寫這麼高的門檻,沒想到反應熱烈)但是既然 ...
[教學]如何將HTC HD2 改成 Android 2.2[不定時update] | Leies Life 俗語說的好「出來混總是要還的」,既然說只要夠多人需要我就寫如何將HTC HD2改成Android 2.2 ... 版注意事項這一篇,以現在的玩法我已經不會想要換刷Android 原 生ROM ...
XDACN智能設備社區 自己動手更快樂-安卓_安卓網_Android_漢化_軟體_遊戲_LER_刷機_ROM - Powered by Discuz! XDACN社區為您提供了Android安卓智能手機論壇、WP7、和平板電腦論壇,有 HTC ...
HTC HD2 Android™ Roms Here you can find all the android roms/builds for the HTC HD2 phone. The list can be sorted and filtered as required.
t-mobile htc hd2 Archives - xda-developersxda-developers For those of you who don´t know the work of XDA member and Chef m-deejay, he is one of the pioneers in porting Android ROM´s to the HTC Leo (HD2), together with other Chefs, he opened the door for giving extra life to one of the best devices HTC has ever
HTC Leo: HD2 - xda-developers The HTC Leo, more commonly known as the HD2, is with no hyperbole a legendary device. While the 4.3" WVGA TFT screen and half a gig of RAM are not as impressive today as they were in 2009, the device's true beauty lies in the software that has graced its
HTC HD2 Archives - xda-developersxda-developers When we talk about the HTC HD2 nowadays, it is in shock and awe that it managed to survive yet another round of software updates from Windows Phone and Android. It has even been shown running Windows RT. It continues to exceed all expectations, as ...
Htc Hd2 Android | Gallery Android htc hd2 android putting in 22 on yahoo voices voicesyahoocom placing in 22 on the way in which wherein ...
HD2 Android - xda-developers For general discussion specific to Android development for the HTC HD2 ... NEWS Forum Wiki XDA TV > HTC ...