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The HTC Unofficial Blog - All News and Reviews The unofficial HTC blog. Latest news in the mobile world. HTC smartphones, Android OS and Windows Phone OS, Other smartphones ... Report says HTC One X has an edge over Apple iPhone 5 in customer’s choice HTC has been gifting one after one android ...
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擷取 Android 手機畫面 - 瘋人院院長的筆記本 目前 Google 官方的 Android USB 驅動程式支援 HTC Dream (Android Dev Phone 1, T-Mobile G1)、HTC Magic (Android Dev Phone2, Google IO)、Moto Sholes (Milestone)、Google NexusOne,其他機種請至參考 Android ...
Galaxy S4 vs. HTC One: Four months later, which is the best Android phone in the world? I have to say, I thought choosing the best Android phone on the planet was going to be a much easier task. I called the HTC One the closest thing the world has ever seen to a no-compromise smartphone when I reviewed it back in April. Since I personally va