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HTC Wildfire S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The HTC Wildfire S is a smartphone developed by the HTC Corporation. The model was announced on 15 February 2011 at the Mobile World Congress and ...
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Tech news, Gadget News | T3 Latest smartphone news Nokia Lumia 800 pre-orders kick off at Vodafone UK 2.9 per cent of Android phones now have Ice Cream Sandwich HTC Rezound with Beats Audio gets US unveiling iPhone 4S handsets see hours of Siri blackout Griffin launches DriveSafe ..
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HTC One M8 Review | BGR - BGR | Mobile and tech news, reviews, opinions and insights It is considered poor form to begin a review with the conclusion, but there’s really no reason to drag this out: the HTC One (M8) is the best Android phone the world has ever seen. Period. Full stop. Of this, there is no doubt. In many ways, in fact, it i
HTC Desire Z - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The HTC Desire Z (also marketed as T-Mobile G2 in the US) (codenamed ... the phone is the last Google-Assured QWERTY slider to be manufactured by HTC.