Hope everything turns out well - Jeff Gerstmann - Giant Bomb I hope, whatever it is, that Jeff can come through it. .... Hope everything works out for the better as soon as possible, so you can get past it and come back here ...
"I hope everything has been going on well for you" At the beginning of a letter, I would like to say hello. Can I say "I hope everything has been going on well for you"? Or, shall I say "I hope everything has gone well for you"? I wonder if there is any difference between these two sentences. Thank you ve
"I hope everything has been going on well for you" - UsingEnglish.com Or, shall I say "I hope everything has gone well for you"? I wonder if there is any ...
新年賀卡上最常用的30句經典英文 - 英文達人 - Blogger 2009年4月22日 - A beautiful wish to you and your family --- live a happy life and everything goes well. 祝福您和您的佳人幸福如意. A happy New Year to you.
新年賀卡英文.doc 一二年級英文科寒假作業:英文賀卡製作 可參考以下內容. 新年賀卡上常用的經典英文. 1. A beautiful wish to you and your family --- live a happy life and everything ...
Hoping everything goes well - WordReference Forums Hello, I want to say something like "confiando/esperando que todo vaya bien" at the end of an e-mail. My attempt: "Hoping everything goes ...
Hope Everything Goes Well Quotes Read more quotes and sayings about Hope Everything Goes Well. ... The best thing we can do is go with our heart and hope it all goes well. 23 up, 10 down ...
Hello! I hope everything is going well with you. It's been ... I hope everything is going well with you. It's been awhile since ... wanted to let you know about some of the things that are happening in my life. As you already ...
I hope all goes well - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Definition of I hope all goes well in the Idioms Dictionary. I hope all goes well phrase. What does I hope all goes well expression mean? Definitions by the largest ...
Hope everything is going well: greeting for business email? - WordReference Forums Hi all, I want to ask a question that if I want to contact someone (by email) after several days' interva ...