有關祝福的英文問候@ BertMangrove :: 痞客邦PIXNET :: May happy returns of the day. 祝你天天都快樂. Wish you success. 祝你成功. Have a nice trip. ... 祝一輩子健康快樂. I wish you a ... 要好好保重身體. You must take ...
Any different between "hope everything goes well" and "hope ... - Italki 2011年7月29日 - "Hope everything is going well" is about the current situation and hoping that the circumstances are fine and everything is happening in a ...
有關祝福的英文問候@ BertMangrove :: 痞客邦PIXNET :: I hope all is well with you. 祝你萬事 ... I wish you a successful new year. ... I hope everything goes well.
"I hope everything has been going on well for you" - UsingEnglish.com Or, shall I say "I hope everything has gone well for you"? I wonder if there is any ...
Go Ask Alice! I love you, Alice, whoever you are, for answering questions and addressing subjects that some people can't even talk about. —Go Ask Alice! reader
Hope - definition of Hope by The Free Dictionary Quotations "Hope springs eternal in the human breast;" "Man never Is, but always To be blest" [Alexander Pope An Essay on Man] "He that lives in hope danceth without music" [George Herbert Outlandish Proverbs] "While there's life, there's hope" [Cicero Le
everything goes smoothly是什么意思 - 查查在线词典 everything goes smoothly的中文意思:一切进行得很顺利…,点击查查权威在线 词典详细解释everything goes smoothly的中文翻译,everything goes smoothly的 ...
Hoping everything goes well - WordReference Forums My attempt: "Hoping everything goes well". But I´m not sure. It sounds very literall translation. Can you help me, please? Thanks.
FR: I hope everything is going well and that you have a good day ... Hi, In a sentence such as "I hope everything is going well and that you have a good day", the one sentence uses the present tense twice - once ...
Hoping everything goes well - WordReference Forums Hello, I want to say something like "confiando/esperando que todo vaya bien" at the end of an e-mail. My attempt: "Hoping everything goes ...