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香港大學 - The University of Hong Kong 香港大學於一九一一年成立,是本地歷史最悠久的高等教育學府;今天的港大教研並重,是一所研究型綜合大學,備受國際推崇。 ... 有意申請港大本科課程的非聯招及國內學生, 可透過入學和學院講座、校園遊、舍堂參觀、學生分享等環節,了解更多港 ...
The University of Hong Kong Established in 1911, the University of Hong Kong is the territory's oldest institute of higher learning, and is today an internationally respected research-led comprehensive university. ... UG Non-JUPAS/International students may learn about HKU through a
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a top Hong Kong university with strong research emphasis. The university aims to bring together China and the West. ... Message from the Vice Chancellor and President Introducing CUHK Mission & Vision, Motto .
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University of Hong Kong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, established in 1887, evolved to be .... In a statement to the HKU community, the university's 14th Vice-Chancellor, Professor .... To provide additional space for students under the new four-year .
香港中文大學 | 一所卓越的香港大學 | 香港高等院校 香港中文大學是一所研究型綜合大學,提供多類學士、碩士和博士課程。 ... 華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室﹙中大夥伴實驗室﹚ 農業生物技術國家重點實驗室﹙中大夥伴實驗室﹚ 植物化學和西部植物資源持續利用
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: HKUST Includes information on research, admissions, continuing education, student information and university news.