六合彩 - 香港賽馬會 下期攪珠期數, 14/058. 攪珠日期, 18/05/2014 (星期日). 截止售票時間, 晚上9:15. 投注額, $12,915,720.
過去攪珠結果 運氣,話嚟就嚟!只須鍵入一個心水號碼然後按"加入注項",電腦便會隨機加入五個 運財號碼方便你即時購買六合彩!
球賽結果 - 香港馬會足球博彩有限公司 足球結果詳情. ... 星期日41, 利斯菲體育會對巴希亞, 19/05/2014, 球賽無效 ... 星期五3, 侯格辛特對奧特足球會, 17/05/2014, 0 : 1, 1 : 2. 星期五4, 利尼史特朗對莫迪 ...
六合彩簡介 - 香港賽馬會 六合彩是從1至49個號碼中選出六個為中獎號碼的獎券,由香港賽馬會的附屬公司 ... 每期攪珠結果均會透過電視、電台、各大報章、香港賽馬會網頁www.hkjc.com及 ...
Hong Kong Jockey Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC, Chinese name: 香港賽馬會) is one of the oldest institutions in Hong Kong, founded in 1884 to promote horse racing. It was granted Royal Charter and renamed to "The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club" (英皇御准香港賽馬會) in 1959. The name of t
Latest Hong Kong Jockey Club HKJC Mark Six Results 2014-06-21 (14/072) Latest Hong Kong Jockey Club HKJC Mark Six Result 2014-06-21 (14/072). The result is 2-17-37-40-45-49 (48). Use Other Free Analysis Tools To Help You Win.
香港賽馬會 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 「PDA投注服務 」已於2012年4月1日終止,請使用其他投注服務。 本會已經推出以下的手機投注App,讓你隨時隨地享受更快更全面的流動投注服務。 iPhone 用戶 按此下載或即上 App Store 搜尋 "HKJC" 下載 Android 手機用戶
Mark Six - Betting - FAQ - The Hong Kong Jockey Club How do I collect the prize? Cash Betting: For prizes of $1 million or less, you can collect in cash or cheque at any Off-Course Betting Branch or racecourse. For prizes over $1 million but less than $5 million, you can collect in cheque at the Hong Kong J
The Hong Kong Jockey Club - 香港賽馬會 To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and betting entertainment, and Hong Kong's premier charity and community benefactor. ... Racecourses & Entertainment Sha Tin Racecourse Happy Valley Racecourse Racing Event Racing ...
About HKJC - The Hong Kong Jockey Club - 馬會知多少- 香港賽馬會 Racing HK racing has a strong presence on the international stage. Betting & Entertainment HK's only authorised operator of racing, football betting and Mark Six. Membership One of the oldest membership clubs in Asia Charities Club's surplus has been dona