GovHK 香港政府一站通:2015年公眾假期 中秋節翌日, 9月28日, 星期一. 國慶日, 10月1 ... 政府發言人說:「由於二○一五年的清明節適逢在星期日,因而將清明節翌日訂為補假。但由於 ... 覆檢日期:2014 年4 月 ...
GovHK 香港政府一站通:2014年公眾假期 香港公眾假期. 透過網絡連線訂閱1823的iCal日曆或下載有關檔案,你便可輕易地將 香港公眾假期加入你的電子行事曆!
GovHK: General holidays for 2013 The following list of general holidays for 2013 is gazetted for public information: ... As Lunar New Year's Day in 2013 falls on a Sunday, the fourth day of Lunar ...
勞工處 - 最新消息 2014年的12天法定假日是 : 1月1日 農曆年初一 (1月31日) 農曆年初二 (2月1日) 農曆年初四 (2月3日) * 清明節 (4月5日) 勞動節 (5月1日) 端午節 (6月2日) 香港特別行政區成立紀念日 (7月1日) 中秋節翌日 (9月9日) 國慶日 (10月1日)
GovHK: General holidays for 2015 The following list of general holidays for 2015 is gazetted for public ... it to your application, you can add Hong Kong public holidays to your e-calendar easily!
GovHK: General holidays for 2014 The following list of general holidays for 2014 is gazetted for public ... it to your application, you can add Hong Kong public holidays to your e-calendar easily!
National and Public Holidays in Hong Kong in 2014 | Office ... List of National, Public and regional Holidays observed in Hong Kong during 2014.
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2014 & 2015 - HONG KONG EXTRAS3 January 1st, New Year's Day (Wednesday). January 31st, Lunar New Year's Day (Friday). February 1st, The second day of Lunar New Year (Saturday). February ...
GovHK: General holidays for 2015 - GovHK - one-stop portal of the Hong Kong SAR Government / 香港政府 By subscribing to the iCal calendar from 1823 as a feed or importing it to your application, you can add Hong Kong public holidays to your e-calendar easily! 1823 Hong Kong Public Holidays iCal Calendar
Statutory Holidays for 2014 - Labour Department - What's New Labour Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special ... All employees are entitled to the above statutory holidays. ... Statutory Holidays for 2013 ...