康樂及文化事務署- 主頁 康樂及文化事務署主網頁提供香港最新的康樂及文化活動資訊.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department | 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department | 康樂及文化事務署
GovHK 香港政府一站通:康體通 — 網上租訂康體設施及康體活動報名服務 使用康體通網上預訂系統,你可以預訂各類康體 場地及設施,例如足 球場、網 球場及 羽毛球場 ... ...
文 化 節 目 按 地 點 搜 尋 - Leisure and Cultural Services Department | 康樂及文化事務署 場 地 日 期 / 時 間 節 目 名 稱 類 別 香港體育館 2014年8月30及31日(六至日)晚上8:15 演唱會之父‧榮耀紅館SHOW 表演藝術及電影 - 流行音樂會 香港體育館 2014年9月6-7日(六至日)晚上8:15 Adidas Presents Tonight Fiona Live 2014
Leisure Facilities - Leisure and Cultural Services Department Booking of Leisure Facilities and Programmes separator ... Sports Centres (indoor facilities such as Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Netball, Tennis ...
Culture of Hong Kong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The culture of Hong Kong can best be described as a foundation that began with China, and became more influenced by British colonialism. After the 1997 transfer of sovereignty to the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong continues to develop an identity o
Leisure and Cultural Services Department | 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Quality Services for Quality Life 康樂及文化事務署. Brand Hong Kong | 香港品牌形象.
Department of Cultural and Religious Studies - CUHK Graduate Division of Cultural Studies 文化研究學部 Master of Arts in Cultural Management 文化管理文學碩士課程 Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies 文化研究文學碩士課程 Master of Arts in Visual Cultural Studies 視覺文化研究碩士課程
Department of Cultural Studies - Lingnan University 嶺南大學藝術節2015前奏: 藝術展覽「創意、運動、空間」 開幕暨講座 Prelude to Lingnan Arts Festival 2015: creativity movement space Opening of Art Exhibition cum Talk
Leisure and Cultural Services Department - Home Leisure and Cultural Services Department's homepage on the latest leisure and cultural events and activities in Hong Kong. ... New Sky Show simulates total solar eclipse The latest Sky Show, "The Stories of Solar Eclipse", will be screened from now till A