快 達 票 香 港 有 限 公 司 提供文娛、康樂、體育等節目的網上售票服務。含節目表、場地介紹。
Wah Yan (Hong Kong) Past Students Association $1,500,000 Donation by Mr. Cheung Lap Kwun Mr. Ng Hoi Luk, Class 1970 successfully invited a donor, Mr. Cheung Lap Kwun donated HK$1,500,000 to the School Development Project (SDP). To thank for the support of Mr. Cheung, the Roof Garden of New School ...
LAW TING PONG SECONDARY SCHOOL 位於大埔馬聰路八號。實施校本管理,教師、家長及校長共同參與學校的發展、計劃、評估及決策,定期對學校表現作出評審,以修正及完善學校發展策略。
St. Stephen's College - Home F1-3 Inter-class Drama Competition 10-07-2014 Date: 7-9 July 2014 Venue: Ng Wah Hall F1 Inter-class English Drama Competition Best Script: 1L The Hunger Games Best Actor: 1H Carson Best Actress: 1H Anson Best Costume: 1C The Merchant of Venice Best ...
Hong Kong Ukulele - Home 首頁 非常高興今次能夠帶兩位在音樂上極具才華及極具演奏感染力的Ukulele和Guitar演奏家 - Jake Shimabukuro 和 Kotaro Oshio在同一時空演奏。相信他們一同演出將帶大家進入更新鮮、更深入的音樂體驗。喜歡音樂的你一定要來參與!
Hong Kong Ticketing Prudential presents: Disney 90th Anniversary Concert with the Hong Kong ... One Direction ON THE ROAD AGAIN TOUR 2015 LIVE IN HONG KONG.
Hong Kong Festival Orchestra Flash Mob 2013: Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" 香港節慶管弦樂團2013快閃:貝多芬《快樂頌》 - YouT Hong Kong Festival Orchestra Flash Mob 2013: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony - "Ode to Joy" 香港節慶管弦樂團2013快閃:貝多芬第九交響曲 -《快樂頌》 http://www.hkfo.org https://www.facebook.com/HongKongFest... HKFO Season 2013: "Ode to Change" is a trilogic project designed to take aud
2013年七一遊行 - 香港網絡大典 有網民在facebook發起杯葛行動,呼籲樂迷「別陷自己喜歡的音樂於不義」而墮入維穩音樂會圈套,希望大家罷看「河蟹騷」,更呼籲參演歌手辭演今次演唱會。[10] 韓國表演單位反應 由於參與韓星眾多,令一眾Kpop迷飽受指責。
latest - Ying Wa Girls' School The Annual Speech Day was held on 8 July 2014. Mr. Chong Hok Hei, Deputy Managing Director of Chungnam Corporation Ltd., came and delivered his speech to our graduates. Mrs. Chong Chan Yee Man presented certificates to our scholarship holders. Photos.. |
Carmel Secondary School 迦密中學: Home Student of the Year Awards recognise and reward the achievements of senior-level students. The aim is to bring Celebrating Hong Kong to our students – to hail the brightest young leaders of tomorrow. Congratulations to 6E Lau Chin Yan who was one of the t