Cultural Insights - Geert Hofstede Want to dig deeper into culture? the hofstede centre and its partners offer a wide variety of courses. In addition, you can find links to recommended books and products about culture, our facebook page and info about the hofstede centre itself. This websi
Countries - Geert Hofstede Please select a country in the dropdown menu above to see the values for the 6 dimensions. After a first country has been selected, a second and even a third country can be chosen to be able to see a comparison of their scores. To compare your personal ..
Geert Hofstede - Recent Discoveries about Cultural Differences - YouTube Key Note Speech for the 2nd Hofstede Symposium, January 2013. Organized by the Geert Hofstede Consortium. Film by Siegmund Audiovisuele Produkties.
Cultural Dimension: me or we - YouTube Some cultures focus on the individual as a unique, independent person, properly operating for his or her own benefit. Others focus primarily on the group, assuming that the group's well-being comes first, and the individual is expected to conform to the g
Fang (2012). Yin Yang: A new perspective on culture. Management and Organization Review, 8(1): 25-50 Abstract: """In this article I propose a Yin Yang perspective to understand culture. Based on the indigenous Chinese philosophy of Yin Yang, I conceptualize culture as ... More Info: "“ 陰陽:一種認識文化的新視角”作者:Tony Fang (房曉輝)發表于《組織管理 ...
Hofstede的五個文化尺度- MBA智库百科 吉爾特·霍夫斯塔德(Hofstede)的五個文化尺度是用來衡量不同國家文化差異、價值取向的一個有效架構:*權力距離。一國範圍內人與人之間的不平等程度。*個人主義 ...
霍夫斯坦德的國家文化模型- MBA智库百科 荷蘭文化協會研究所所長吉爾特·霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede),用20種語言從態度和價值觀方面,在收集了40個國家,包括從工人到博士和高層管理人員在內的、 ...
吉爾特·霍夫斯塔德- MBA智库百科 吉爾特·霍夫斯塔德(Geert Hofstede,1928.10.03-):文化大師G·霍夫斯坦德教授,是社會人文學博士,曾主管過IBM歐洲分公司的人事調查工作,荷蘭馬城(Maastricht) ...
Hofstede的五个文化尺度- MBA智库百科 吉尔特·霍夫斯塔德(Hofstede)的五个文化尺度是用来衡量不同国家文化差异、价值取向的一个有效架构:*权力距离。一国范围内人与人之间的不平等程度。*个人主义 ...
我國軍種文化差異之研究—以Hofstede 的文化測量為架構 以Hofstede 的文化測量為架構. 余一鳴. 海軍司令部台北通信隊營輔導長. 摘要. 隨著國軍部隊聯合作戰型態的形成,導致各軍種間的文化交流日漸頻繁,引發日趨嚴重 ...