High-definition television - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A typical PC resolution (WXGA); also used by many HD ready TV displays based on LCD technology. 1080p/i 1920×1080 1920×1080 2,073,600 2.1 16:9 1:1 Standard HDTV resolution, used by Full HD and HD ready 1080p TV displays ...
Image resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Temporal resolution [edit] Movie cameras and high-speed cameras can resolve events at different points in time. The time resolution used for movies is usually 24 to 48 frames per second (frames/s), ...
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Image resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Photographic lens and film resolution are most often quoted in line pairs per millimeter. Contents. 1 Resolution of digital images. 1.1 Pixel resolution; 1.2 Spatial resolution; 1.3 Spectral resolution; 1.4 ...
Image resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Basically, resolution quantifies how close lines can be to each other and still be visibly ... 1.1 Pixel resolution; 1.2 Spatial resolution; 1.3 Spectral resolution; 1.4 ...
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