Higgs boson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is an elementary particle initially theorised in 1964,[2][6] whose discovery was announced at CERN on 4 July 2012.[7] The discovery has been called "monumental"[8][9] because it appears to confirm the existence of the Hig
Higgs boson - New Scientist The Higgs boson was the only particle predicted by the standard model of physics that remained undetected – now all that's changed ... TOP STORY Six outstanding Higgs mysteries The particle that endows others with mass has been found, but physicists are .
Origins: CERN: Tools: The Higgs Boson | Exploratorium The question of mass has been an especially puzzling one, and has left the Higgs boson as the single missing piece of the Standard Model yet to be spotted. The Standard Model describes three of nature ...
BBC News - Higgs boson-like particle discovery claimed at LHC Cern scientists reporting from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have claimed the discovery of a new particle consistent with the Higgs boson. The particle has been the subject of a 45-year hunt to explain how matter attains its mass. Both of the Higgs boso
希格斯玻色子- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 希格斯玻色子(英语:Higgs boson)是標準模型預言存在的一種基本粒子,是一種玻色子,自旋為零,不帶電荷、色荷,非常不穩定,在生成後會立刻衰變,於2013年3 ...
The Higgs boson | CERN This particle is consistent with the Higgs boson but it will take further work to determine whether or not it is the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model.
Higgs boson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 跳到 Discovery of candidate boson at CERN - ... diagrams showing the cleanest channels associated with the low-mass (~125 GeV), Higgs boson ...
HowStuffWorks "What exactly is the Higgs boson?" Read more about the Higgs boson and why its existence is important in particle ... though, when scientists at CERN announced that they'd found a particle that ...
HowStuffWorks "What exactly is the Higgs boson?" What exactly is the Higgs boson? Read more about the Higgs boson and why its existence is important in particle physics. ... Particle physics usually has a hard time competing with politics and celebrity gossip for headlines, but the Higgs boson has garne
Higgs Boson - The New York Times News about Higgs Boson. Commentary and archival information about Higgs Boson from The New York Times. ... The Higgs boson is a cornerstone of modern physics despite never being seen. It is believed to play a key role in imbuing things with mass.