為您獨創的智慧型手機 | Windows Phone (台灣) 已模擬畫面。Windows Phone 市集裡的應用程式;可用性可能因地而異。某些功能與服務需要 Microsoft 帳戶、Wi-Fi 存取及數據連線;需支付電訊廠商費用。某些功能、服務、裝置及色彩會因區域、電訊廠商、方案與 Windows Phone 軟體的版本而異。
機皇 (HD2) 不是叫假的,芒果照樣嗑下去! @ 我愛 Windows & Phone :: WP8,WINDOWS 8,WP,WIN8,LUMIA :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 在 XDA 下載 Windows Phone 芒果 ROM 3. HTC HD2 進入 USB Flasher 模式 4. 電腦端連接 HD2,並運行 DWI.exe HD2 跑芒果(Mango)的影片: 本文照片引用及部分內容參考 pocketnow.com ilovewin 發表在 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(12 ...
Tutorial Windows Phone 7.8 On HTC HD2 9.Aug.2013 (Windows 8) Auto Activation - YouTube Have fun with it .) Like :) http://www.facebook.com/juicyboose Here are advises!!! In the end you need to reset your phone Open this pdf http://forum.xda-developers.com/attac... Activate windows 7 marketplace: Go to...
Download & Install WP7.8 ROM for HTC HD2 - JayceOoi.com Wow... The legendary HTC HD2 is still alive and kicking. HTC HD2 may not able to get Windows Phone 8 Apollo update. But you can enjoy WP7.8 ROM (OS version 7.10.8835 ...
HTC HD2 Archives - xda-developersxda-developers 4 Mar 2014 ... Nokia X ROM Running on the HTC HD2… Sort of .... Android 4.2 Makes its Way to the HTC HD2.
HD2 Windows Phone 7 Development - xda-developers For Windows Phone 7 development on the HTC HD2.
HTC HD2 hacked again, gets a taste of Windows Phone 8 But perhaps this most recent hack tops all of the above. The developers at Dark Force Team got Windows Phone 8 running on the HTC HD2, albeit to a limited extent, and the photos you see below were posted on Twitter as proof. As you might expect, there are
And it Keeps Going and Going... HD2 Receives WP8 Port! 2012年11月30日 - That is kinda the story going on with the last Windows Mobile device from HTC, the ever lasting and eternal HTC HD2. This device has seen ...
Installing Windows Phone 7.8 on a HTC HD2 (Leo) 3 Mar 2013 ... When i m trying to port Dynamic rom on mY HTC HD2 ..... do you work with updates? let us know plz.
Windows Phone 8 Archives - xda-developers So how do you use Nokia Care Suite to download and flash your Lumia device to its stock WP8 firmware? XDA ...