Have you any idea.....................? i don't live in America but i need to know are high school people there have exams nowadays???is Mar... ... Have you any idea ? Follow publicly Follow privately Unfollow i don't live in America but i need to know are high school people there have exams ..
Have you any idea - WordReference Forums Hi all! Seriously, guys, what is this: Have you any idea how much this toy cost? It's from House MD and I am so confused. I always thought that's a very poor grammar used exclusively by the students on elementary level course... Never would I consider hea
Have you any idea? | Fiore Rouge tag alice in wonderland, alice no país das maravilhas, charada, clubs, deck of cards, desktop wallpaper, diamonds, Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?", hearts, lewis carrol, lewis carroll, papel de parede, plano de fundo, riddle, spades
Have you any...? - Italki 19 Mar 2011 ... It seems "Do you have any" is more often used, although the other one ... I think that it may be a good idea to hear some context regarding the ...
Have you got any idea vs. Have you any idea - English-test.net any idea where Laurie is? I've been looking for her all morning. (a) Have you (b) You know (c) You have. English Language Tests, Intermediate ...
Do you have any idea? - WordReference Forums Hi! I have detected that Bristish and American English differ on the matter of the subject. I would like to know if the following conclusions are ...
any ideas or any idea? - WordReference Forums "Do you have any idea what could have happened if you had done that?" (Do you realize what the consequences would have been if you had ...
grammaticality - About the sentence "Do you have any idea ... 6 Feb 2013 ... If, on the other hand, we are unconvinced, and challenging someone's assertion about something, I think the do you have any idea construct ...
do you have/have you/have you got - Separated by a Common ... 21 May 2011 ... By putting [determiner] at the end, I got all cases of Do you have any, Do .... people saying things like "I've an idea" or "I've some pineapples".
have got no idea - The Free Dictionary ... antonyms. Information about have got no idea in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. ... have you any idea how ridiculous you look? → ¿ tienes ...