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Half-Life: Blue Shift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Half-Life: Blue Shift is an expansion pack for Valve Software's science fiction first-person shooter video game Half-Life. The game was developed by Gearbox Software with Valve Corporation and published by Sierra Entertainment on June 12, 2001 (it was ori
Half-Life: Blue Shift Barney Calhoun, that lovable security guard from Half-Life, finally has his very own Half-Life adventure; Half-Life: Blue Shift! Developed by Gearbox Software, who developed the award winning Half-Life addon Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Blue Shif
Half-Life: Blue Shift - Half-Life Wiki Half-Life: Blue Shift, commonly referred to as Blue Shift, is the second stand-alone expansion... ... See also: Gearbox Software#Canonicity of the Half-Life expansions Characters Edit Barney Calhoun Rosenberg Walter Bennet Simmons Harold Gordon Freeman (C
Half-Life: Blue Shift on Steam - Welcome to Steam Made by Gearbox Software and originally released in 2001 as an add-on to Half-Life, Blue Shift is a return to the Black Mesa Research Facility in which you play as Barney Calhoun, the security guard sidekick who helped Gordon out of so many sticky situati
Half-Life: Blue Shift storyline - Half-Life Wiki This article describes the Half-Life: Blue Shift storyline, chapter by chapter. In Blue Shift... ... Holographic assistant for the Black Mesa Hazard Course for Security Guard Training, based on Miller. The training chapter of Half-Life: Blue Shift.
Half Life Blue Shift攻略 - 影片搜尋
PC Longplay [101] Half-Life: Blue Shift - YouTube http://www.longplays.org Played by: JonL Half-Life: Blue Shift Developer: Gearbox Software Released: Sierra Entertainment 2001 Source port used: Steam version ** Plot As with Gearbox's previous expansion pack Opposing Force, Blue Shift returns to the sett
Downloads - Half-Life: Blue Shift Game - Mod DB Browse and search the Mod DB Half-Life: Blue Shift Game file listing to download the latest full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. ... Made by Gearbox Software and originally released in 2001 as an add-on to Half-Life, Blue Shift