[技巧分享][XP]出現hal.dll檔案遺漏或損毀,怎麼辦?! @ Jyun-Hua's PIXNET Blog - 想寫就寫,愛寫就寫...無受拘束 :: 痞客 ... 檔案錯誤或損毀導致電腦找不到hal.dll這個檔案,可用Windows XP CD修復 ,步驟如下: 請從 Windows XP CD 啟動電腦,並啟動「修復主控台」,然後使用 Bootcfg.exe 工具重建 Boot.ini 檔: 1. 將電腦設定為從 CD-ROM ...
How To Fix Hal.dll Errors in Windows 7, 8, and Vista Hal.dll errors in Windows 7, 8, and Vista are often caused by boot sector issues or file corruption. ... The Startup Repair process in Windows 7 and Vista is an automated Windows startup fix-it tool and will often fix hal.dll issues caused by corruption o
How To Fix Hal.dll Errors in Windows 7, 8, and Vista - PC Support Hal.dll errors in Windows 7, 8, and Vista are often caused by boot sector issues or file corruption. Learn how to fix these ...
微軟授權..有夠亂- iT邦幫忙::IT知識分享社群 2013年9月5日 - 我目前聽到Microsoft Office 2013 中文家用及中小企業版隨機-產品金鑰 ... 感覺起來MOLP 會有機會「買多有折扣」,但是可沒「家用及中小企業版」的 ...
在Windows 7/8/XP/VISTA中hal.dll 錯誤修復和免費下載 ... DLL Suite能夠解決所有的DLL錯誤,包括病毒感染, hal.dll 失蹤, hal.dll 沒有找到,藍屏死機(BSOD)和電腦速度緩慢。這些錯誤是由hal.dll 錯誤引發的。你可以 ...
c:\windows\system32\hal.dll遺失無法開機處理辦法 | 許耿豪就是那個毛_HAUR_Have A Good Day 或說一天幫阿智修理中毒的電腦後來發現是一個大毒窟裡面佈滿了許多破壞性程式bat批次檔不說而且還遍滿c及d根目錄…
關於hal.dll遺失的解決方法〈很急喔〉 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 下列檔案遺漏或損毀,無法啟動Windows; system32 hal.dll. 請重新 安裝一份上列檔案的拷貝 =>就是指boot.ini開機選單損毀之意思(複製hal.dll是沒有 用的且路徑也可能錯誤~非C碟以下) 1.
請重新安裝system32/hal.dll? - Microsoft 找一片和目前Windows相同版本且原版的光碟使用光碟開機進入修復主控台下, 使用以下 ... expand X:\i386\hal.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll
How To Fix Missing Hal.dll Errors in Windows XP Missing hal.dll errors can be caused by boot.ini or hal.dll issues. Learn how to fix any missing or corrupt system32\hal.dll error. ... There are few different ways that the "missing or corrupt hal.dll" error may present itself, with the first listing
How to Repair Windows Root System32 Hal .Dll | eHow Microsoft Windows XP uses Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to keep applications from gaining direct access to the computer memory, processor and other hardware. This helps make Windows XP more secure than earlier versions of Windows that were based on DOS