Title - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Jump to: navigation, search. Title Interface. Titles are rewards for completing various in-game objectives, for example completing personal storylines, certain ...
Achievement - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 2015年3月1日 - Jump to: navigation, search ... Progression, achievement points, and titles are shared across all characters on an .... Jumping Puzzles.png ...
Craze's Folly (jumping puzzle) - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Warning: Key elements of this location-related article are incomplete. You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by expanding it. If you enjoy editing location pages, ...
No title for completing all Jumping Puzzles? : Guildwars2 2013年2月19日 - Not true, every jump puzzle has a chest.;) I do wish there was .... Titles are something they really dropped the ball on in GW2 (vs GW1).
all jumping puzzles done but.. - Guild Wars 2 Forum as the title says , ive done all jumping puzzles but there is no 'bigphatlewt' at the ... and not to speak of the rewards from the jumping puzzles.
Achievement Completion: Jumping Puzzles - Guild Wars 2 Forum A title for completing all jumping puzzles wouldn't be a problem. I mean, we already have something similar, “Been There, Done That”.
Seriously, whats the point of jumping puzzles? - Page 3 ... I may do them just to complete the Explorer title, but other than that I dont ... And then you have the jumping puzzles like in the metrica province, you .... They are basicly pure exploration, outside of GW2 they might fit into the ...