Handover between WCDMA and GSM - Ericsson Dual-mode WCDMA-GSM mobile ter- minals of this kind require an interworking mechanism between the WCDMA and. GSM technologies. For instance, if the ...
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Nokia N90 GSM+WCDMA 雙模手機 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ Nokia N90 GSM+WCDMA 雙模手機Nokia N90 GSM+WCDMA 雙模手機Nokia N90 GSM+WCDMA 雙模手機 ... 寸:112 x 51 x 24 mm 重 量:173 g 螢 幕:內 352 x 416 pixels、26 萬色 外 128 x 128 pixels、6 萬 5 千色
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