請問如何用grub引導硬碟裡的NoName XPE ISO檔? - NoName Team 論壇 ISO檔是NoName XPE 20090909版的,想要用grub直接來引導ISO檔,可是menu.lst 怎麼改都無法成功;不知各位前輩先進,有知道的能否詳細賜教, ...
Error: cannot find GRLDR in all drive. CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart This is a problem on NTFS. I mean, this is a bug in grldr/grldr.mbr I think the problem will be solved as soon as possible. And at this moment, you may place a copy of grldr and menu.lst in the root dir of a FAT16/FAT32/EXT2/EXT3 partition or another NTFS
grub - How can I get from menu.lst to syslinux.cfg? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange Problem I'm creating a bootable iso from a YUMI USB drive to burn on DVD's for friends. More info here. I took the grldr and menu.lst from a bootable XBoot iso, but now I'm trying to ...
Grub4dos Guide - PXE Booting - Diddy's Homepage Open notepad and create your configuration file, then save as C:\tftpd32\root\menu.lst\default. NOTE - you must save this file without a file extension (default, not default.txt). Grub4dos will automatically load this file from all client
No GRLDR after I installed Hiren's on my USB key - Community forum - reboot.pro Page 1 of 3 - No GRLDR after I installed Hiren's on my USB key - posted in Community forum: Hello, I had a few monthes ago installed Hirens boot CD on a USB key. But after that, every time I have ran the computer without this USB key in my computer, I hav
Multiboot Usb (pe, Linux And Dos) - The CD Forum Step 5 - Add bootable floppy disk image(s) a) Copy memdisk from C:\syslinux\memdisk to the root of your USB Drive b) Copy a disk image to the root of your USB Drive (e.g. win98.ima) c) Edit menu.txt and include the following text (without inverted
Grub4dos Guide - Loading/Installing Grub4dos From Windows NOTE 1 - the path "C:\grldr" should be used even if the Windows OS has a different drive letter. NOTE 2 – boot.ini is a hidden system file. It is not displayed by default, in order to edit it you will need to open Explorer and select the Tools menu th
Want to know the basics about GRUB, GRLDR, MENU.lst - Reboot.Pro Hi....There are lots or ready made tools to create a GRUB loader boot menu. But what about making a custom GRUB with custom menu.lst ...
taiwin: grldr內置menu.lst檔 2012年2月8日 - 下載GRUB4DOS 將grubmenu.exe、grldr、menu.lst三個檔放在相同資料夾開啟記事本,將下一行指令存成mg.cmd(主檔名可自定,附檔名須是.cmd)
grldr_百度百科 跳到 一个menu.lst的例子 - (以#开始的行,表示注释,不执行). # 默认延迟时间(秒). timeout 30. # 第一项为默认值. default 0. # 设置图形背景文件.