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Google Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
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One account. All of Google. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Google Drive Email Password Stay signed in For your protection, keep this checked only on devices you use regularly. Learn more Need help? Create an account One Google Account for everything Google Google Help ...
Picasa Organize, edit, and share your photos Picasa 3.9. Now with Google+ sharing. Upload, Tag, and Transform your photos with Picasa 3.9.
Google Official website for Google Canada. offered in: français. Come here often? Make Google your homepage.
Picnik Allows editing of images online using a web browser. Includes tools to fix underexposed photos, remove red-eye, or apply effects.
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Google出品的免費相片管理軟體 - 阿榮 在任何您喜愛的相片上給予金色的星號: 它可以讓您一眼就看到您最愛的相片。 Picasa 甚至還有星號搜尋功能,可以在幾秒內將您整個相片組合中的菁華顯示出來。