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Google Reader Alternatives and Similar Software - It's awesome that you want to help us remove incorrect alternatives. Feel free to report more applications below. But keep in mind that the only reason ... RSS Reader built with productivity in mind. Read the Internet in a single place. Inoreader helps yo
R.I.P. Google Reader, Hello Four Best RSS-Reader Replacements | So you need an RSS reader, or maybe you don’t because a zillion sites have been mourning Google Reader’s demise for months (it’s alive for a few more hours, then sayonara) and you’ve already found your lemonade-out-of-lemons substitute. Or maybe you’ve ne
What Is Google Reader? - Google – Search Tips, Tricks and News Google Reader is Google's RSS reader. Just about everything on the Web these days comes with an RSS feed, so It's still in Google Labs, so it's still considered in the experimental stages, but it works amazingly well.
Digg Reader:全新的RSS 閱讀器來了,跟Google Reader 說再見 2013年7月1日 - 如果對你來說RSS 閱讀器相當重要,也是你獲取資訊的主要來源,那麼一定要把訂閱來 ...
關於RSS閱讀器,還有比Google Reader更棒的選擇| 硬是要學 ... 2013年6月24日 - Google Reader 堪稱為目前全球使用者最多的RSS 訂閱平台,不過它將在7月1日正式 ...
Digg Reader 取代Google Reader的RSS閱讀器– 香腸炒魷魚 2013年6月30日 - 隨著Google Reader結束營業,那接下來Google Reader使用者要何去何從?目前網路上 ...
Google Reader 關閉,找替代工具之外也要更新閱讀方法-電腦玩物 2013年6月30日 - Google Reader 」亦如是,當然還是有這類RSS 訂閱服務的需求,但這個需求本身是否 ...
Newsify RSS Reader 速讀Google Reader iPad iPhone閱讀器 ... 2013年1月15日 - 不管在iPad、 iPhone 還是Android 上,都有各式各樣的Google Reader RSS 閱讀器 可以 ...
Google Reader – Google Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision, but we hope you'll come to love ...