Google Reader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Google Reader was an RSS/Atom feed aggregator operated by Google. It was created in early 2005 by Google engineer Chris Wetherell and launched on October 7, 2005, through Google Labs.
Google Desktop Search Utility that indexes files on desktop PC and displays results in a Google search page, with some relevance ranking based on modified dates. [Windows]
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Google Reader 將在7月1日關閉,推薦6個RSS 閱讀器替代方案 - T客邦 2013年6月14日 ... 在Google正式宣布Google Reader將取消後,許多人都為之扼腕,許多RSS使用者 都 ... 它有各手機平台的軟體,Android、iOS、Kindle版等都沒少。
RSS Feed Reader - Chrome Web Store - Google 13 Apr 2014 ... Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar.
Google Alerts - Monitor the Web for interesting new content Alerts Monitor the web for interesting new content Show options Alert suggestions News Sections Sci/Tech Entertainment Science Companies Apple Microsoft GM ...
Google Reader 將在7/1 終止服務! 取代它的18 個RSS 訂閱 ... 2013年3月14日 - [免費] GreatNews 好用、速度又快的RSS閱讀器(中文版) · RSSNotifier簡單好用的RSS新文章通知器 · Snarfer ... 實在手機上從來都用第三方apps 讀,沒有用Google Reader 的. ... [下載] 千千靜聽TTPlayer 繁體中文版(百度音樂)!
Google Reader 即將關閉 - 免費資源網路社群 2013年3月14日 - Google Reader 即將關閉,如何備份RSS 訂閱清單並轉移至其他替代方案 ... AOL Reader 是AOL 新推出的RSS 閱讀器服務,支援電腦、智慧型手機或平板電腦, ... 同為一款網頁版的RSS 閱讀器,有不太完整的繁體中文介面,另外也 ...
Five Great RSS Reader Alternatives To Google Reader - Forbes Now that Google Google is shutting down Google Reader, the search for a replacement begins. As we noted last night, there is little chance Google will preserve Reader no matter how loud the protests get. So, if you are dependent on Google Reader and unsur