有關中國圖資位移 (offset) 的問題 - Google Maps/Earth API - GPSFun Forum - Powered by Discuz! ... 這是 Google Maps 應中國政府的要求所做的修改嗎? 還是 Google Maps 發覺兩者存在一定的位移, 合成起來已經沒有意義了. 而且在最前面那篇文章提到, ...
Google maps China map data offset - Google Product Forums This is why Apple/Google has to fix their map tile offset problem. If developers are supposed to use Apple's provided mapping component compliments of their iPhone SDK then it should at least feature accurate map projections. Re: Google maps China map ...
GPS location offset Google Maps China iPhone 4 - Google Product Forums On my new iPhone 4 from China Unicom, Google Maps shows my location offset by a significant (and varying) margin. It is not a signal or hardware problem, because other applications (Google Earth; Baidu maps) show my location correctly and precisely. Only
What The Map? Why Maps in China Are Offset. « One Joule at a Time Like stands in article and from my experience satellite view is only accurate in China (People’s Republic of). Maps are offset roughly 500 meters SE direction. That makes really mess on Panoramio where people pin pictures to Google Earth according to map
China GPS offset correction (for Google Maps) - Database - Database Skill China GPS offset correction (for Google Maps). Get database skills from databaseskill.com. ... Do iOS development, use a function to get the current position of the surrounding businesses. Every time I Get Back up data from the iPhone GPS to Get Google Pl
Gps Google Map Offset - savedwebhistory.org - We Save Web History For You 1 ~ sinosplice.com A More Complete iOS Solution to the China GPS Offset Problem This is the mysterious China GPS offset problem. ... For popular map apps such as Google Maps or Apple Maps on iOS, the user's own location ... 2 +1 google.com OFFSET ...
Why are the satellite and map overlays on Google Maps offset in China? - Quora Internet in China Google Maps Loading... Why are the satellite and map overlays on Google Maps offset in China? I read people mentioning map licensing, government regulations... Sign in to read all of Quora. Continue with Google Connected to Google ...
All Maps in China are Transformed | Wangjianshuo's Blog I’m sure it happens in China too, the Google Maps issue you’ve spotted is not down to this. ... sometimes you will be troubled by China maps offset. The ABCMaps application is to align automatically the maps to the real place . If available in your area .
iOS Dev: Map Offset in China - Stack Overflow Google Maps Overlay Offset 0 jquery inconsistent positioning using offset().top 3 GoogleMaps- GPS location is always offset in China 2 how to offset form in vb 0 OpenLayers offset pixel Hot Network Questions Where to query database in a ...
ios - GoogleMaps- GPS location is always offset in China - Stack Overflow I'm using the latest Google Maps iOS SDK in my app and it seems the GPS location is always offset in China by 1-2 street blocks, however, in the Google Maps official app the ...