Google Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Google Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It used the WebKit layout engine until version 27 and, with the exception of its iOS releases, from version 28 and beyond uses the WebKit fork ...
Google Developers more The new, improved Content API for Shopping Google Ads Developer Blog - Since its launch in 2010, the Google Content API for Shopping has played a critical role in enabling merchants to manage product items, users, and subaccounts programmatically ...
Google Web Designer Google Web Designer is a free, professional-grade HTML5 authoring tool. Build interactive, animated HTML5 creative, no coding necessary. ... Focus on design Let us handle the HTML5 and CSS3 so you’re free to focus on what you love to do ...
HTML5 Presentation This deck was last updated mid-2011. While the basics of HTML5 remain the same, many newer APIs are ...
HTML5 Presentation This deck was last updated mid-2011. While the basics of HTML5 remain the same, many newer APIs are available, and a few APIs have changed during the ...
HTML5 Studio ASCII Art Synchronized ASCII art video via WebSockets. All current viewers see the same video frame at the same time. Move your mouse over the video to change the color.
Status of Google Wave - Google Help As we announced in August 2010, we are not continuing active development of Google Wave as a stand-alone product. Google Wave will be shut down in April 2012. This page ...
HTML5 Website Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos So you've heard all rumors about HTML5 would take over Adobe Flash. While most web community argues that it's possible or not, you must be wandering what ...
Google App Engine + Spring 3 MVC REST example 2. Spring 3.0 Dependencies To use Spring MVC + REST in GAE, you need following jars aopalliance-1.0.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar spring-aop-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar spring-asm-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar spring-beans-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar spring-context-3.1.1.RELEASE ...