Google Chrome - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 Google Chrome 係一個由 Google 開發嘅 網頁瀏覽器 。「Chrome」係 化學元素 「 鉻 」嘅英文名;個名係喺 Chromium 度嚟,個開源計劃係用 BSD許可證 授權同 開放源代碼 。喺 ...
Google Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It used the WebKit layout engine until version 27 and, with the exception of its iOS releases, from version 28 and beyond uses the WebKit fork ...
Google offered in: Bahasa Malaysia
Google Chrome - 维基百科 Google Chrome是一個由Google開發的網頁瀏覽器。「Chrome」是化學元素「鉻」的英文名稱;過去也用Chrome稱呼瀏覽器的外框,中文名曾短暫地用過“鉻瀏覽器”。相应的開源計劃名為Chromium,其採用BSD許可證授權並開放原始碼,但Google Chrome本身是非自由軟體 ...
「正在解析Proxy」 - Chrome說明 如果Google Chrome 載入網站或搜尋內容的時間過長,可能是設定經過調整,因此需要透過網路Proxy 存取網頁。請查看瀏覽器視窗左下角是否顯示「正在解析Proxy」 ...
Network settings - Chrome Help - Google Help In the "Network" section, click Change proxy settings . This will open the Internet Properties dialog (Windows) or the Network dialog (Mac) where you can adjust ...
How to Disable a Proxy Server in Google Chrome | eHow Proxies conceal your actual IP address by making websites see the proxy's address instead. Windows 7 allows you to configure a proxy address for use when browsing websites or ...
Google Chrome Blog: Chrome for Android Update Since we launched Chrome for Android Beta in February, we’ve been listening closely to all of your feedback (thank you!). It’s great to hear how so many of you love having the Chrome experience on your Android 4.0 phone or tablet. With today’s update, Chr
Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper Last modified: August 26, 2014 (Current as of Chrome 37.0.2062.94) Omnibox predictions Network predictions Search locale Search Integration on the New Tab Page Phishing and malware protection Navigation ...
How to configure Google Chrome proxy settings? - Google Chrome Fans Nice blog! More people should read it. If you want, you can register your blog It is free and and it automatically updates when you do an update, so visitors of our site can see when you updated your blog. The big advantage is that it wi