Google Code Google's official developer site. Featuring APIs, developer tools and technical resources. ... search and
Ken Yang 筆記: 使用Google OAuth 2.0 存取Google API 2012年9月15日 - 至於OAuth是甚麼就不多做介紹... 可以去WIKI看 簡言之,是一個公開的標準認證機制! 而使用Google OAuth大概 ...
Authorizing with Google for REST APIs | Android Developers When you want your Android app to access Google APIs using the user's Google account over HTTP, the GoogleAuthUtil class and related APIs provide your users a secure and consistent experience for picking an account and retrieving an OAuth 2.0 token…
授權與Google API - Google+ Platform — Google Developers 2014年2月11日 ... 如果Google+ API 呼叫不需要識別特定使用者,您就可以使用應用程式 ... https://, 可讓您查看使用者的 ...
Authentication using the Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript ... 2014年6月6日 - Authorized, API calls can read and write private user data, or the application's own data, API key plus OAuth 2.0 credentials (different for ...
[ASP.NET] 使用 OAuth 2.0 整合 Google、Facebok、WindowsLive、Xuite 登入 - .Net 蛤什麼?- 點部落 你好,在看了您的文章之後,對於OAUTH2有一點點的了解了!! 我是今天才開始接觸OAUTH的新手!!!!謝謝~~~^^ 可以請問 ...
oauth - Get user info via Google API - Stack Overflow Is it possible to get information from user's profile via Google API? If it is possible, which API should I use? I'm interesting in such information: Url to the user profile (e.g.
Tutorial: Import Gmail or Google contacts using Google Contacts Data API and OAuth 2.0 in PHP | 25 l In this tutorial we will be using OAuth 2.0 and Google Contacts Data API. You can refer more about them at the links below. As we had a little introduction about b
Google Calendar API with OAuth 2.0 - insert events (ASP.NET) - Kelp Code ASP.NET MVC 3 Source Code: HomeController: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.IO; using System.Web.Script.Serialization ...
PhoneGap Tips - Google API OAuth with PhoneGap's InAppBrowser Google API OAuth with PhoneGap's InAppBrowser If your PhoneGap project requires access to one of Google’s APIs, the first challenge you’ll likely run into is how to handle the OAuth dance in a PhoneGap application. Google’s OAuth documentation seems to ..