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GIGABYTE | Facebook GIGABYTE. 172,641 個讚 · 3,900 人正在談論這個. Founded in 1986, as a small research and development team, GIGABYTE Technology Co. Ltd. has taken a position as one of the industry's top motherboard manufacturers. Lauded for high-performance ...
GIGABYTE - 主機板 GIGABYTE Channel 產品建議售價 新聞 更多... 技嘉宣布Retro OC超頻挑戰賽圓滿結束,活動期間打破兩個世界紀錄的佳績 8 Pack及Vivi等參賽者都使用技嘉Z87X-OC主機板打破3DMark世界紀錄 ...
Gigabyte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The gigabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix giga means 10 9 in the International System of Units (SI), therefore in this context 1 gigabyte is 1 000 000 000 bytes. The unit symbol for ...