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nuvi 255W | Garmin With nüvi 255W's widescreen display, you'll always get the big picture. View map detail ... on attractions. nüvi 255W: Simple navigation at an affordable price.
Garmin nuvi 255W review - Engadget Garmin nuvi 255W reviews with scores, specs, photos, and details. Compare prices, get answers and support, and read discussions.
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Garmin Nuvi 255W GPS - YouTube Go wide and get peace of mind with nüvi 255W. This affordable, widescreen navigator leads the way with voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions that speak street names and optional MSN Direct® services to get you there on time...
Garmin Nuvi 255W review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNE As entry-level GPS navigators go, the Garmin Nuvi 255W is still one of the best choices available for anyone who wants speedy performance without breaking the bank. ... The Good The Garmin Nuvi 255W features a large touch screen and an easy-to-understand